Friday, October 31, 2008


有人說 要拼命加入熱門人生才幸福
為最愛的事物 拿真心去付出
那快樂會勝過 獲得最貴的禮物
為自己而投入 不為了比勝負-energy
a very song by energy. recently alot of nice song from the radio. lin jun jie,s.h.e,mayday,genie.


cha siew chicken.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

fried rice.

taka's pal.
eunice birthday!! welcome to the club 21 eunice.. haha.. enjoyed myself at her birthday chalet cause i won money!!! hahahaha.. the cake was nice! nxt is sherry's turn... anyway i want to MAHJONG more!!! waiting for eunice to send picture den can post some pictures..

work was good. haha... time passed really fast the past 3 days.. i dunno y... maybe was busy enough.. pay day coming soon!!

didnt really study for the poc progress test. so i am hoping some miracle can happen to the paper.. it's progress test week yet i am so slack.. and strangely i am learning how to fried rice.

me and tim went chantel's house for a short stay because of deepavali. finally a new lihua photo i can post.. really havent seen the rest for so long already...

my long weekend was so-so.. only eunice's chalet was more on the fun side.. while the rest was work work work...

2 songs i heard from power 98 while working.. nice song they are.
Shontelle - TShirt

the last goodnight-pictures of you

Thursday, October 23, 2008




a simple yet freaking nice salad. btw there shld be walnut on it...
and pardon my plating pls. lol.. i jus cldnt come out with a nice plating for this..


a french salad.

lol. getting ready to work 3 days in a row. thinking abt the $ i am. lol..

and ya.. seriously ERP seem to be everywhere now.. even coming back from orchard to amk u will have at least 2 ERP to go thru!!! what the hell man!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

modern asia.

at least got the smallest scale project off the shoulder.. just 2 more to go? didnt really flare well but at least the effort of my team is there. haha.. and luckily progress test didnt crash with my genting trip.. anyway.. quite looking forward to sch tml haha.. those salad.. i want to put hand on it.. haha.. and ya. i lost my fucking knife set. god damn it. whoever the fucker is hope he/she get knocked down by a speeding car n got himself paralysis from neck downward for the rest of his/her life pls.

Thai Chicken Wanton. Thai vermicelli.

Asian beef salad. Topical Fruits with prawn.

vodka salmon sashimi.
got to do better the nxt time!

damn. havent been putting on my running shoe for nearly 2 weeks. feeling so unfit now esp after so much heavy meal/slacking this few days. haha. need to get back my self-discipline!

look like my wish list is not ending soon. items just keep poping into my wishlist. how to save $ like this.. wahaha..

"life's a bitch" a quote i got from weiliang's blog.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

come play with me!

haha. ong finally spread butter on our asses until thick thick on friday. but lucky i wasnt 1 of those who got aim directly. but school projectS are coming in. damn. headache.

taka's pal.
met up with them on friday night. 1st met sherry n yz for a short shopping trip. lucky i didnt waste $.. haha. but i will still go for tt swatch watch soon. jus hope veeshen can help me get discount. then 20th century boys! my cup of tea although abit draggy. but i cant wait for the 2nd and 3rd installment! haha. and luckily the rest of them didnt complain much abt the show so i guess it didnt disappoint them. to my other friends! this is a can-watch seriously. and b&j ice-cream is kinda of too sweet!

this picture of 5 of us is nice. well done huh sherry. haha.

work is always a torture when u doesnt have enough sleep. and esp when i am station at the fitting room. as long as i am in there the time freeze. and realise win is some1 who vent anger on every little ting when she is not in the right mood. o my.

a better week ahead pls.
o nb. tml no heroes. wat to do before amazing race. damn.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


another time for jay. haha. tink i buying his album to support him already. anyway i tink he doing some shuffling in this song. cool.


this is a nice song too.
想你的香气 我想遇见你
带竹蜻蜓 穿过那森林

quiche lorraine.

In French cuisine, a quiche is a baked dish that is made primarily of eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust.
haha. there was actually another item. but did it wrongly. felt so dui bu qi chef ong abt it. didnt even dare to show her. haha..

Monday, October 13, 2008


today. BLUE. damn blue. 1st ting in the morning it took me 30mins to climb out of my bed. den the journey to school is like journey to west. today the train was like a slug. damn slow. den lesson was a torture just so hard to focus. hope tml school will be better.

enjoyed the season finale of heroes. man. cant wait for heroes 3. amazing race is great too.. survivor is starting or started i tink.. whooohoo.. TV!!

haha. damn. i went for a la min swimming with kawara. TOTALLY wasnt in my plan for today at all but felt good.

taka's pal.
the main tings for this post.

ok. taka's pals still lack of vera and yuan zheng! to take picture with me.


taka's pal.
finally off from work/study. today is purely a slacking day for me.. lol.. went ikeaing with some of them. anna px sherry tim. went queenstown 1,smaller compare to tampines. went there PURELY walk 1 round den eat abit,only sherry ended with bag of 3$ pillow out the building.. den vroom we went cine for k-ing,it was totally worth it la,16$ only. wahaha.. i actually wanted to buy pots and pans from ikea. but tim said departmental store will be cheaper. so i heeded his advice. anyway i am considering weather to cook for u guys for x'mas already,but my lack of confident with my skill is hindering the idea,and oso my house is really not a ideal place for x'mas party,cause my dad n mum dont celebrate x'mas so they will b at home surely tt day n they tend to sleep early. tink of a way guys! upload the photos when i got it from sherry n px.

come on. let me get this over and done with quickly!

anyway! Tomorrow is MONDAY.. damn blue..

Saturday, October 11, 2008


look like the world are going for a down fall for sometimes i guess. japan got slapped hard recently tt is what i heard over the radio ytd. and our stock market arent doing good too. even our pm ask us to get prepare for a rough time ahead. let just hope we dont get affected too badly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


a taiwan's show to recommend. 篮球火 hotshot. for luo zhi xiang,jerry yan and wu chun's fan all shld b watching already.. for those who are not.. this is a can watch.. lol.. i like this song from the show.


我是 Superman
Yeah 你是 Loser.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


recently my mum ask me to not tired myself out while juggling b/w work and study.. ask me to stop working if i cant tahan any more.. she don't want me to shagged out.. tt's why i just love lucy,i told her i noe my limit... but i am happy with the currently very occupied life be it fun or work or study,although i am still wondering to stuff i dont want to remember during some stoning moment. tt y really want to take up photography man to keep those stoning moment away. but a SLR is expensive. and i not gonna find a damn fucking good n new 1 for 1st time.. kinda of looking for a "chui" yet good enough 2nd hand 1 or really try my very best to save up but tt is gonna be tough.. any lobang ppl?

today went to work. realise the system there is tt part timer only serve customer. no ppl oso have to stand there and wait.. cant do anyting else like stock taking or tidy new stock.. wkend still ok but today is WEDNESDAY lei.. where got people to come and shop? make me so nua and stone there. really want to go back lacoste man. let moh nag i oso happy...

time table sucks. but at least there is this pretty pastry girl,we called her "eye more". wahahaha. and i need to cook more at home to improve.. haha.. but equipment sucks at home.. need to hint lucy abt it..
found this in the school kitchen.

translate to chinese for those who can.

taka's pal.
got off for sunday to mahjong with them. hope it's gonna happen. wahahha...

seriously. he is damn good la. totally respecting him man.

我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
-jay's 说好的幸福呢

Sunday, October 5, 2008



你说我不该 不该在这个时候
请告诉我 暂停算不算放弃
你说我不该 不该在这时候才说爱你


Saturday, October 4, 2008


instanx picture.

i am loving it.


malaysia with vee shen,vincent and ah hong. enjoyed. haha.. damn cheap la the k-box. lol. we are planning to go there often since it just take about 30mins from school if traffic condition is good. watch movie oso cheap,eat oso cheap,can buy "cheap" fred perry some more. hahaa..

taka's pal.
meet up with them on friday. we went for a steamboat session. at 12midnight. 15$/pax. totally not worth it. went around marina square area to slack and take picture. but it's always a joy to have to good friends around!!

work was good. decided to work on wed n fri s well. n only take off when needed i tink. but s always bore. and the shittest ting to happen is when i started realise i have no $ on me to eat. my wallet were full of ringit,my atm card was at home. lucky my brother did come to town. forced him to come save me from hunger.

anyway. today came to a decision to TRY to indulge myself in work and fun BIG time. even if it is meant to sleep 3hrs/day but of course to recover when i got really noting to do.. wahaha.. need do it while i am still young.

也是我现在正服下毒药- 彩虹-jay

Thursday, October 2, 2008


thursday will be a awful day to go school for 10weeks. practical in the afternoon. this is sure gonna cause some shits. reaching home late will be the shittest things of it. tml going city square with them. lol. sing k eat cheap seafood!! woohoo...

taka's pal.
meeting up some of them tml at night.

got to listen to his new album already. damn nice! a must buy for jay's fans..

still thinking to work 3 days or 4days with my new time table. sat n sun is a must.. wed shld b ok.. but i feel like letting my friday's night free.. and a quote by adul, "dunno y la, break time fly fast, working time always JAM la." lol.. guess this affecting everybody.. time is harder to pass here then lacoste guess it is because of the slackness of it...

still dwelling over it time to time. didnt get to say hi on wed,but i think i shld try again. if not things arent work back correctly.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


actually i still fucking vex about what happen,n i am quite sure you are too. for the past years i really didnt want to disturb you at all. cause i am always contented with our very good friendship we had,and all along i knew some stuff shld let it go by nature. but do things recklessly has always been my Achilles's heel. tt day these things arent in my fucking brain at all. in my mind now is hoping to make SURE to maintain back that very good friendship,nothing else. cause putting the feeling aside,you really been 1 of my better friends cause i always knew tt you will try ur very best to help when i needed helped and turned to you(a very impt aspect of friend to me),i always believe this saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed". and i know you werent be shy to seek my help when you needed help.. actually i always cherish the friendship we had too,like u did.but tt day i was really a asshole and like a kid who couldnt control his emotion la. if some how our friendship really got disturbed by this incident,i will be hating myself.


instanx mini.
bought a new toys.. and i loving it haha totally worth it i find,shld have bought this 1st rather den the holga 135bc... the picture's colour is brilliant.. planning to use it s part of decoration in my room... by taking picture with all my good friends and family!! ask them put down their chinese n english name,me on the right,n a peace over their shoulder from me will be the trademark.. wahahha.. cool huh... but kinda of expensive..

i must say hi to her tml if i get to see her.